Living in Zambia vs Zimbabwe: Which African Country is Right for You?

Exploring the Key Factors to Consider When Deciding Between Living in Zambia or Zimbabwe

May 3, 2023

Living in Zambia vs Zimbabwe: A Comprehensive Comparison

Choosing to live in a new country can be an exciting and daunting decision. There are many factors to consider, from the cost of living to the local culture and political stability. Two countries that are often compared in terms of expat living are Zambia and Zimbabwe. These neighboring African nations share many similarities, but there are also some significant differences that can make one a more appealing choice over the other. In this article, we will explore some of the key factors to consider when deciding between living in Zambia or Zimbabwe.

Geography and Climate

Zambia and Zimbabwe are both landlocked countries in Southern Africa, bordered by other countries such as Botswana, Mozambique, and Namibia. Both countries have a tropical climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. Zambia experiences its rainy season from November to April, while Zimbabwe's runs from November to March.

The topography of the two countries is also similar, with a mix of savannahs, forests, and mountainous regions. However, Zimbabwe is home to one of Africa's most famous natural wonders, Victoria Falls, which draws millions of tourists every year.

Overall, both countries offer beautiful natural landscapes and warm weather year-round. However, if you are looking for a specific natural attraction, Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls may be a big draw.

Economy and Cost of Living

Both Zambia and Zimbabwe are developing economies with significant opportunities for investment and growth. However, Zimbabwe has had a more tumultuous economic history, with hyperinflation and political instability leading to significant economic challenges in recent decades.

Zambia, on the other hand, has experienced more stable economic growth in recent years, with a focus on agriculture, mining, and tourism. The cost of living in both countries is relatively low compared to many western countries, but Zambia tends to be slightly cheaper overall.

For example, a meal at an inexpensive restaurant in Zambia costs around $4, while the same meal in Zimbabwe may cost closer to $6. The cost of renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city center of Lusaka, Zambia, is around $340 per month, while the same apartment in Harare, Zimbabwe, can cost closer to $500 per month.

If you are looking for a more stable and affordable cost of living, Zambia may be the better choice.

Language and Culture

Zambia and Zimbabwe share many cultural similarities, including their colonial history and their shared languages. Both countries have English as their official language, and many residents also speak indigenous languages such as Bemba and Shona.

However, there are also some differences in culture and lifestyle. For example, Zimbabwe has a higher population of Shona-speaking people, while Zambia has a higher population of Bemba-speaking people. There are also some differences in traditional customs and celebrations.

In terms of expat communities, both countries have significant populations of foreign residents, particularly in larger cities such as Lusaka and Harare. English is widely spoken in both countries, making it easy to communicate with locals and other expats.

Political Stability

Political stability is an important factor to consider when choosing a country to live in. Zimbabwe has had a more tumultuous political history, with controversial elections and instances of political violence in recent years. However, there have also been some positive developments in recent years, including the ousting of former President Robert Mugabe in 2017.

Zambia has generally been more politically stable in recent years, with peaceful transitions of power and a strong democratic tradition. However, there have also been concerns about press freedom and human rights violations in some areas.

Overall, both countries have their political challenges, and it is important to research current events and news before making a decision about where to live.

Education and Healthcare

Both Zambia and Zimbabwe have made significant strides in improving their education and healthcare systems, but there are still significant challenges in both areas. Zambia has made significant progress in expanding access to education, particularly in rural areas, but there are still issues with quality and funding. Zimbabwe has a more developed education system, with higher literacy rates and more established universities, but funding challenges have also impacted its education system in recent years.

In terms of healthcare, both countries have made strides in improving access and quality, but there are still significant challenges. Zambia has made progress in reducing HIV/AIDS prevalence, but there are still challenges with access to healthcare in rural areas. Zimbabwe has a more developed healthcare system, but there are concerns about quality and availability of resources.

If access to education and healthcare are important factors for you, it may be worth researching the specific areas you plan to live in and their access to these services.


Choosing between living in Zambia or Zimbabwe requires careful consideration of various factors, including geography, climate, economy and cost of living, language and culture, political stability, education, and healthcare. Both countries offer beautiful natural landscapes and warm weather year-round, but Zimbabwe has the added draw of Victoria Falls. Zambia tends to be slightly cheaper overall and has experienced more stable economic growth in recent years. Both countries share cultural similarities, but there are also some differences in customs and celebrations.

Political stability is an important factor to consider, with Zimbabwe having a more tumultuous political history in recent years. Both countries have made strides in improving their education and healthcare systems, but there are still significant challenges to overcome.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to live in Zambia or Zimbabwe depends on individual priorities and preferences. It is important to research and visit both countries before making a final decision, and to consult with locals and other expats to get a better understanding of what life is like in each country.